The Audience Effect: On the Collective Cinema Experience.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018 (paperback version: 2019). Link to the publisher’s website. The Audience Effect is an immensely important contribution to the phenomenology of cinema. Focused on the much-neglected collectivity of the theatrical film experience, it also touches on other modes of collective viewing, and its rigorous descriptions of the structures, effects, and affects […]

“Kettenbrief: Ihre Medientheorie auf einer Seite?“ In: ZfM – Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft. Vol. 10, 2014.

“Kettenbrief: Ihre Medientheorie auf einer Seite?“ In: ZfM – Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft. Vol. 10, 2014. Sollte mich je eine Medienwissenschaftlerin fragen, was meine persönliche Medientheorie sei (zum Beispiel für einen Kettenbrief in einer medienwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift), dann würde ich zunächst antworten: Nicht alles sollte Gegenstand der Medientheorie sein. Oder zugespitzt: Nicht alles ist ein Medium! Mit […]

Watching a Film With Others. Towards a Theory of Collective Spectatorship

In: Screen. Vol. 55, Issue 3, 2014. Abstract: In this essay I suggest that collectively watching a film with quiet attention should be considered a kind of joint action. When silently watching a film in a cinema the viewers are not merely engaged in individual actions – watching a film with others often implies a […]

Clips, Clicks and Climax. Notes on the Relocation and Remediation of Pornography.

In: Jump Cut – A Review of Contemporary Media. Vol. 53, August 2011. (With response articles by Peter Lehman, Thomas Waugh, Nina K. Martin, José P. Capino und Magnus Ulén) Link to “Clips, Clicks and Climax” “Beyond porno chic” by Jose B. Capino “Pornography, technology, and masturbation: response to Julian Hanich” by Peter Lehman “The […]