Reprint: Im Wechselbad der Gefühle. Zur Die Emotionsvielfalt im filmischen Melodram – eine Mikroanalyse. (with Winfried Menninghaus).

In: Gunter Gebauer/Markus Edler (eds.): Sprachen der Emotionen. Kultur, Kunst, Gesellschaft. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2014. Link to the PDF

Mise en Esprit: One-Character Films and the Evocation of Sensory Imagination

In: Paragraph. Vol. 43, No. 3, 2020. pp. 249-264 This article starts out by introducing the category of the ‘one-character film’ — that is, narrative feature films that rely on a single onscreen character. One-character films can range from extremely laconic movies entirely focused on the action in the narrative here-and-now via highly talkative films […]

Laughter and Collective Awareness: The Cinema Auditorium as Public Space

Laughter and Collective Awareness: The Cinema Auditorium as Public Space In: NECSUS – European Journal of Media Studies (Autumn 2014) Abstract This article looks at how the collective experience of laughter in the movie theater is related to the idea of the cinema as a public space. Through the non-verbal expression of laughter the audience […]