Kino, Theater, Fernsehen: André Bazins Publikumstheorie.

In: Florian Mundhenke/Thomas Weber (eds.): Kinoerfahrungen: Theorien, Geschichte, Perspektiven. Hamburg: AVINUS, 2017. pp. 209-229. Abstract: What did the great French film theorist André Bazin think of the collective experience in the cinema? What did he write about the influence co-viewers can have on the emotional engagement, the evaluation and the interpretation of a film? In […]

Judge Dread: What We Are Afraid of When We Are Scared at the Movies.

In: Projections – The Journal for Movies and Mind. Vol. 8, No. 2, Winter 2014. Abstract: In this text I explore the question what we are actually afraid of when we are scared at the movies. It is usually claimed that our fear derives from our engagement with characters and our ‘participation’ through thought, simulation […]

An Invention with a Future: Collective Viewing, Joint Deep Attention and the Ongoing Value of the Cinema.

In Oxford Handbook of Film Theory, edited by Kyle Stevens, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Since it is first and foremost the cinema that enables—or at least facilitates—concentrated and focused film experiences, this article makes a strong plea for the ongoing importance of the movie theater as a vital cultural practice and social institution. Although […]

Anger framed: A field study on emotion, pleasure, and art. (Erstautor: Wagner, Valentin; weitere Autoren: Klein, Julian; Shah, Mira; Menninghaus, Winfried; Jacobsen, Thomas).

In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Vol. 10, No. 2, May 2016. Authors: Wagner, Valentin; Klein, Julian; Hanich, Julian; Shah, Mira; Menninghaus, Winfried; Jacobsen, Thomas. In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Vol 10, No. 2, 2016. S. 134-146. Link to the PDF document

Auslassen, Andeuten, Auffüllen. Der Film und die Imagination des Zuschauers – eine Annäherung

In: Julian Hanich/Hans-Jürgen Wulff (eds.): Auslassen, Andeuten, Auffüllen. Der Film und die Imagination des Zuschauers.Paderborn: Fink, 2012. Link to the PDF file