Laughter and Collective Awareness: The Cinema Auditorium as Public Space

In: NECSUS – European Journal of Media Studies (Herbst 2014) Abstrakt This article looks at how the collective experience of laughter in the movie theater is related to the idea of the cinema as a public space. Through the non-verbal expression of laughter the audience ‘constructs’ a public space the viewers may not have been […]

Judge Dread: What We Are Afraid of When We Are Scared at the Movies.

In: Projections – The Journal for Movies and Mind. Vol. 8, Nr. 2, Winter 2014. Abstrakt: In this text I explore the question what we are actually afraid of when we are scared at the movies. It is usually claimed that our fear derives from our engagement with characters and our ‘participation’ through thought, simulation […]

Art schema effects on affective experience: The case of disgusting images (co-author, first author Valentin Wagner)

In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Volume 8, Issue 2, 2014. Abstrakt: Can we experience depictions of repulsive objects more positively when we watch them as part of a work of art? We addressed this question by using a scenario approach in a laboratory setting designed to activate two different cognitive schemata: participants […]

Art schema effects on affective experience: The case of disgusting images (Co-Autor, Erstautor Valentin Wagner)

In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Volume 8, Issue 2, 2014. Abstrakt: Can we experience depictions of repulsive objects more positively when we watch them as part of a work of art? We addressed this question by using a scenario approach in a laboratory setting designed to activate two different cognitive schemata: participants […]

Watching a Film With Others. Towards a Theory of Collective Spectatorship

In: Screen. Vol. 55, Issue 3, 2014. Abstrakt: In this essay I suggest that collectively watching a film with quiet attention should be considered a kind of joint action. When silently watching a film in a cinema the viewers are not merely engaged in individual actions – watching a film with others often implies a […]

Suggestive Verbalisierungen. Wenn Sprache die Imagination des Zuschauers weckt. In: Heinz-Peter Preußer (ed.): Anschauen und Vorstellen. Gelenkte Imagination im Kino. Marburg: Schüren, 2014.

Suggestive Verbalisierungen. Wenn Sprache die Imagination des Zuschauers weckt In: Heinz-Peter Preußer (ed.): Anschauen und Vorstellen. Gelenkte Imagination im Kino. Marburg: Schüren, 2014. Diesen Artikel herunterladen