Mr. Schnitzelicious, the Muscle Man. Somatic Empathy and Imaginary Self-Extension in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Hard-Body Movies.

In: Simon Wendt/ Michael Butter/Patrick Keller (Hgs.) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Body and Image. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. Link zum PDF-Dokument

Mr. Schnitzelicious, the Muscle Man. Somatic Empathy and Imaginary Self-Extension in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Hard-Body Movies. In: Simon Wendt/ Michael Butter/Patrick Keller (Hgs): Arnold Schwarzenegger. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Body and Image. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011.

Mr. Schnitzelicious, the Muscle Man. Somatic Empathy and Imaginary Self-Extension in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Hard-Body Movies. In: Simon Wendt/ Michael Butter/Patrick Keller (Hgs): Arnold Schwarzenegger. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Body and Image. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. Link zum PDF-Dokument „Mr. Schnitzelicious“

Eine Reise ans Ende der Nacht: Moderne und Modernisierungsaengste in Friedrich Wilhelm Murnaus „Sunrise“.

In: Heinz-Peter Preusser: Späte Stummfilme. Ästhetische Innovation im Kino 1924-1930. Marburg: Schüren, 2017. S. 267-300. Link zum PDF-Dokument

Just like IRL? On Virtual Reality Movie Theaters in the Time of Covid-19.

Freitag, Juni 19, 2020 Faced with closed movie theaters over the past months, cinephiles worldwide have bemoaned the loss of the shared cinema experience and what I have called “the audience effect.” Yet some early adopters were quick to point out an alternative: virtual reality movie theaters. Link zum Artikel auf Medien Res

Experiencing Extended Point-of-View Shots: A Film-Phenomenological Perspective on Extreme Character Subjectivity.

In: Subjectivity Across Media: Interdisciplinary and Transmedial Perspectives. (Hgs.) Maike Sarah Reinerth and Jan-Noel Thon. New York: Routledge, 2016. Diesen Artikel herunterladen